Five Reasons for Teachers to Blog

In 2017, I started my teaching career. I am relatively new in the academe. My views in various areas of education are limited. With blogging, it allowed me to expand my views as I read and write my own blog posts and from the comments. As I explored the area of educational technology in higher education, blogging has facilitated some areas I needed to improve for meaningful professional development (PD). Though I have not yet able to maximize my current platform to target fellow teachers in my readership, I am excited to have meaningful conversations with my cohort soon through blogs. Below are some reasons why teachers should consider blogging:

1. Reflect on your experiences and from others

At one point in your teaching life, you were able to discuss some practices, strategies, and difficulties in the classroom with your colleagues. Some of them used journals to reflect while others depended on their long-term memory. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I am not in the actual field of teaching, but I have almost daily observations of how online learning is taking place in higher education. With blogging, it allowed me to reflect on my previous experiences when I was still teaching and on the experiences of others who are teaching right now.

2. Share your best practices, projects, ideas, and resources

As a teacher, it is likely that you have shared your best practices and ideas, but it is oftentimes limited to your colleagues. With blogs, you can share information and new knowledge with your fellow teachers from around the world. It also helps you develop new ideas for solving educational problems, organize your thoughts and perspectives that you can share. With blogging, you can join communities of like-minded individuals that facilitate the exchange of information, useful resources, and valuable feedback.

3. Encourage reading related articles

As a teacher, it is certain that you have something to share about education or the teaching-learning process. You can talk and search about pedagogy, assessment, approach, strategies, issues, and forces affecting education and its function during a global neoliberal education nexus. For blogging about a certain topic, you might be interested to read these related articles before opting to write your topic. This is very essential to fill information gaps and update ourselves. When I blog a topic, I usually read other blogs and find research articles that can be of interest or helpful to me.

4. Help others with their problems and needs

A fellow teacher somewhere in the world might be needing your help. Your blog post can offer some help and ideas that can save their time. You do not have to worry about your thoughts, your experiences are unique to you and someone might be needing to hear them exactly as you perceived them. You can also have a library of learning objects that can be used as references. By helping fellow teachers, some of your visitors will surely go back and look forward to your future content.

5. Lead to your own PD

Your blog posts are shared with your readership that allows your content to be scrutinized through different lenses. It can serve as your Professional Learning Environment (PLE) that allows you to connect, interact, and engage with fellow teachers. You can also personalize it depending on your professional learning needs. With blogs, you are not just sharing knowledge, but you are learning from the network that it creates.

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